About Course
C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. It is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and is used to create a wide variety of applications, including web applications, desktop applications, mobile applications, and games.
This course will teach you the basics of C#, from variables and data types to control flow statements and object-oriented programming. You will learn how to create your own classes, objects, methods, and interfaces. You will also learn how to use collections, such as arrays, lists, and dictionaries.
By the end of this course, you will be able to write basic C# programs, and you will have a solid foundation in the language. You will be ready to start developing your own C# applications.
Our Message
Do you want to learn C#? This course is for you! Whether you have no programming experience or you are an experienced programmer who wants to learn C#, this course will teach you everything you need to know.
In this course, you will learn the basics of C#, including variables, data types, control flow statements, and object-oriented programming. You will also learn how to use collections, such as arrays, lists, and dictionaries.
By the end of this course, you will be able to write basic C# programs, and you will have a solid foundation in the language. You will be ready to start developing your own C# applications.
What Will You Learn?
- Variables and data types
- Control flow statements
- Object-oriented programming
- Collections
- How to write basic C# programs
- A solid foundation in the C# language
Course Content
Module 01: Installation
Downloading and Installing Visual Studio Community
Hello World Program
Using VS code
Module 02: Common Syntax
Understanding Data types
Output (Displaying) something
Variables part 1
Variables part 2
Data Type Conversions
String Manipulation
User Input
arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
IF Statement
Else Statement
Solution for the If Challenge
Else If statement
Switch Statement
Switch Expression
Ternary Expression
Introduction of Loops
While Loop
Do While Loop
For Loop
Break and Continue Statements
Data types in Practice
Module 03: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Part 01
Creating a Class
Creating an Object
Using logic within get or set.
Auto Implemented Properties
Void Parameterless Method.
Method with return type
Method having parameters
Method Overriding
Method Overloading
Module 04: Collections
Module Introduction
Arrays Outline
Creating Arrays (Late Initialization)
Declaring, Initializing and Adding Values (Collection Initializer Syntax)
Using Classes as a type and objects as a values for your Array
Using var keyword
Looping through Arrays
2D Arrays
Looping through 2D Arrays
3D Arrays
Looping through 3D Arrays
Jagged Arrays
Jagged Arrays with 2D Array
Looping Through Jagged Arrays
Understanding ArrayLists
Creating an ArrayList
Looping through ArrayList
Count and Clear( )
Add( ) and AddRange( )
Insert( ) and InsertRange( )
Remove( ), RemoveRange( ), and RemoveAt( )
Sort( ) and Reverse( )
Contains( ), IndexOf( ), and Changing Existing value.
Understanding Lists
Creating a List
Looping through List
Find( ) method
Understanding Dictionaries
Creating a Dictionary
Looping through a dictionary
Creating Stacks
Accessing Stacks data and Looping
Creating Queues
Definition of Arrays
Valued Tuple
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