Korodhso Aqoon

JavaScript From Zero to Advanced

About Course

Course Intro

Free Sample Lessons

Some of the Projects

Course Content

Section 1: JavaScript Basics

  • What is JavaScript?
  • Where to write JavaScript Code?
  • JavaScipt Output (Hello world)
  • Comments
  • Variables part 1
  • Variables part 2
  • Rules for naming a variable
  • Data types
  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Functions
  • Function declaration
  • Function Expression
  • Arrow Function
  • Arrays Part 1
  • Arrays Part 2
  • Objects part 1
  • Objects Part 2
  • Resources

Conditional Statements and Loops

DOM ( Document Object Model )

Navigation Project

Sidebar Project

Counter Project

Notes Taking Application

Login Form with Animation

Password Length Checker App

Text to Speech Convertor Application

FAQ Project

Random User Generator